Minden évben a kedvenc posztjaim között vannak a töklámpásos válogatások. Annyi de annyi jópofa faragni- illetve festenivalót találtam idén is, hogy utánfutóval kell majd a tököket hazaszállítanom! Tegnap a festett tököket vettük sorra, ma pedig következnek a faragott fejek!



Carrots make knobbly noses.


Or if they're Pac-Man-inspired.

A kannibál

You can have a cannibal pumpkin.

Kettő az egyben

Or a pumpkin with a skull.


Use mini pumpkins to make balloons for an Up tableau.buzzfeed

Fekete macsek


Disney hősök:

cute disney ideas: a DIY pumpkin carving is simple to do just print your favorite picture and stencil it on the pumpkin!

Disney Princess Carriage Pumpkin #halloween #pumpkin #pumpkins #great #decor #ideas #cool #scary #spooky #neat #fall #decorations #party #disney #carriage #princess #prince

Look at this pumpkin, isn't it neat? Disney's Ariel Halloween Pumpkin! #disney #ariel #little #mermaid #littlemermaid #halloween #pumpkin #pumpkins #great #decor #ideas #cool #scary #spooky #neat #fall #decorations #party





Sok egyéb érdekesség:

Disney Pumpkin Carving Pattern Roundup

Mummy Pumpkins - Halloween #halloween #pumpkin #pumpkins #great #decor #ideas #cool #scary #spooky #neat #fall #decorations #party #mummy #carving

Cool Pumpkin Carving Ideas love this for the front yard!

pumpkins carved with drill. The husbands will love this idea!

Tinker Bell Pixie Dust Pumpkin Carving - trace Tinker Bell image to pumpkin, cut out; use different drill bits to create pixie dust!

Halloween Decorating Ideas | Pumpkin Carving Patterns | Celtic Pumpkins

Pumpkin Carving Ideas_03

Pumpkin Bonfire - Some guests may prefer to relax the night away rather than dance the night away.

Pumpkin Carving Ideas_14

Everything you need to build the ultimate pumpkin-carving tool set. | thisoldhouse.com

Holy Smokes!  Talk about an over-achiever!  Won't be carving any pumpkins like this any time soon.

Cool Pumpkin Carving Ideas: Jack O Lantern Pumpkins 2013

Butterfly Pumpkin Carving by Norbini, via Flickr.  Repinned by An Angel's Touch, LLC, d/b/a WCF Commercial Green Cleaning Co. Denver's Property Cleaning Specialists.  http://www.angelsgreencleaning.net/Detailed-Cleaning-Services.html

Pumpkin carving clipzine

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